AI and the evolution of MAM: Part three – future outlook

In the final part of our investigation into MAM’s current and future relationship with AI, James McKeown analyses where the technology is likely to take asset management capabilities next, and the other factors driving the evolution of the space.

The outlook for AI appears as complex as ever. Where it concerns the authenticity of content and metadata, AI is at work on both sides of the ethical fence; playing miscreant and detective. For all of its capabilities as a democratised technology in the hands of everyday folk, and certainly in the wrong sorts of hands where it concerns deepfakes, its professional applications within media asset management (MAM) systems seem to point to a future where it can play a significant role in the tracking, sourcing, and authenticating of content...

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Level up: Addressing the skills gap in virtual production

As virtual production technology becomes more ubiquitous, the need for real-world training and development for professionals of all levels becomes paramount. John Maxwell Hobbs explores the education and training programmes on offer from academic institutions and industry organisations.

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